lørdag, november 03, 2007

20 gode grunde til at dyrke kampsport !!!

Practicing martial art can...
1. Help you to lose weight, especially fat
2. Improve your physical appearance
3. Increase your level of muscular strength and endurance
4. Maintain your resting metabolic rate to prevent weight gain
5. Increase your stamina and ability to do continuous work
6. Improve fitness levels, or your body's ability to use oxygen
7. Provide protection against injury
8. Improve your balance and co-ordination
9. Increase bone mineral density to prevent osteoporosis
10. Lower resting heart rate and blood pressure
11. Lower Body Mass Index (BMI), your weight to height ratio
12. Reduce triglycerides, bad cholesterol (LDL), raises good cholesterol (HDL)
13. Enhance sexual desire and performance
14. Reduce heart disease risk and stroke
15. Reduce the risk of developing certain types of cancer
16. Increase insulin sensitivity, preventing type 2 diabetes
17. Reduce anxiety and help with stress management
18. Improve function of the immune system
19. Improve your self-esteem and restore confidence
20. Help you sleep better, relax, and improve mood

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